I made my first marketing video in 1984. It was a 30 minute television show used to promote a real estate seminar. Up until that time other people promoting seminars had only been using newspaper ads. Using this new marketing medium I quickly built the largest seminar business in the country. Since that time I have used video marketing to sell more products direct to the consumer than just about anyone alive.

Look around today – How common is it to see someone deeply engrossed in watching a video on their computer or cell phone?

According to Forbes and Cisco the statistics are staggering;

-Every second almost 17,000 hours of video will be produced.
-Every 30 days more video content is uploaded than the major TV networks have produced in the last 30 years!
-By 2019 global consumer internet video traffic will account for 80% of ALL internet traffic!

We have shifted to a video first world. A world that does not include a lot of reading, but a lot of watching.

Here are some more impressive video facts:

-Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text (Wirebuzz)

-Social video generates 1200% more shares than just text and images combined (SmallBizTrends)

The reason video is so powerful is that when you are watching a video you are engaging two of your senses rather than one.

-Using video in an email leads to 200-300% increase in click-through rates. (Hubspot)

-Including a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%. (Unbounce)

-64% of consumers purchase after watching branded social videos. (Tubular Insights)

Here is an example of a branded video:

GoPro Kayak Kiss with Ben Brown 30sec from Cesari Media on Vimeo.

Simply start and end each of your videos with your brand logo. This one technique helped GoPro grow its brand exponentially.

If you are involved in ecommerce, selling products on Amazon, or advertising on Facebook or YouTube, you had better understand how important it is to be incorporating video into all of your marketing. The two key questions you should be asking yourself are:

With so much video content being produced, how can I make my videos stand out?

How can I make my marketing videos perform better?

I want to clarify. I’m not talking about videos for entertainment. There are thousands of people and companies who can create this kind of content. What I’m referring to is something more important, something that I’ve been doing for over 30 years and at a higher level than most. And that is to create videos that are designed for the viewer to take a specific action like visit a landing page, order a product, or push the buy button on Amazon.

I’m going to introduce you to a new term I call Video Persuasion. Video Persuasion combines all the elements of good video production, the ability to create interesting and watchable videos with proven direct response marketing strategies. Using video persuasion will make all your video’s “work better” regardless of the goal you are trying to achieve.

A perfect example of this is the GoPro spot above. Production wise it is a very nice looking and entertaining spot. We incorporated the direct response aspect at the end of the video where we asked to the viewer to take a specific action and offered an incentive to do so, “go to our website and someone will win one of everything we make, everyday”.

In my upcoming blogs and videos I will be going into very specific steps in all things related to creating video content and video that sells. We will take a detailed look at the three (3) steps of video production and the things you can do to save money while still producing great looking videos. You will learn the best way to gather and tape powerful testimonials that will sell your products for you, how to create tutorial and demonstration videos that will set you apart from the competition. The top experts in the video production that I work with day in and day out – directors, producers, editors, lighting and sound experts and art directors – who can make your product shine, will share their knowledge and experience. I will show you learn how to incorporate direct response into your marketing videos to create a better ROI. Whether you end up producing videos yourself or hire someone to do it you will have all the knowledge, shortcuts and money saving ideas right at your finger tips.

Get ready to rock and roll your videos!