“If you don’t know what your offer is, and it’s not clear, and it’s not irresistible, then you’re building a highway to nowhere.” ~ Kevin Donlin, copywriter extraordinaire
Our world is becoming increasingly filled with distraction. The sheer volume of information we’re exposed to can attack all of our senses. Did you know that 5 billion videos are watched every single day on YouTube? With all of the new technology and the growing number of ways in which to channel your customer’s attention, it’s easy to forget what really matters most when you’re trying to make the sale: the psychology of persuasion.
Over the past 35 years, I’ve been selling people solutions first—not products or services. I got schooled in this approach in my early 20’s, selling suntan lotion on the Florida coast. I got paid minimum wage as a lifeguard, but my side hustle was skin care products—before, during, and after a day at the beach. Fortunately, I tan easily, and I kept myself greased up to show off my bronzed complexion as I approached a (very) captive audience. A profitable week meant I could pay my rent.
These person-to-person demonstrations were my initial experience with the power of testimony, and I have employed these same techniques in my direct response advertising ever since, creating billion dollar brands because I offer solutions—direct to consumer.
In preparation for my latest book, Video Persuasion, I interviewed copywriter Kevin Donlin. Kevin is founder of Client Cloning Systems and author of five books, including Marketing Multipliers. Kevin is one of the most successful direct response copywriters alive. And guess what? He also got his start selling products door-to-door!
I’m not suggesting that to be successful in business you have to sell door-to-door, but our experiences gave us foundational lessons in human psychology about what makes people take specific actions. We learned how to listen to our customers and adapt our message to close the sale.
Kevin and I share something else in common. We both have worn out, dog-eared copies of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion on our book shelf. The 1984 best seller by Dr. Robert Cialdini is based on his “undercover” years of applying for and training at used car dealerships and telemarketing firms to observe real-life situations of persuasion. From this experience, Dr. Cialdini explains the science behind why these six rules of persuasion work:
Six Universal Persuasion Principles
- Rule of Reciprocity
- Rule of Scarcity
- Rule of Commitment & Consistency
- Rule of Social Proof or Consensus
- Rule of Authority
- Rule of Liking
In my experience, people who know these six persuasion principles, and how to incorporate them into their video offers, are going to capture the viewer’s attention and have far greater success than people who don’t.
The Art of the Science
Once you understand these underlying psychological principles, then you can apply them to your videos, experimenting, testing, and fine-tuning your offer until it works, consistently. This is where the art of selling comes into play. Direct response marketing is all about triggering an action that results in a sale, and a compelling offer is the best way to trigger that action.
Top 10 Power Words (to boost your offer)
- YOU!
- Complimentary
- Easy
- Safe
- New
- Now
- Instant
- Save
- Introducing
Tying these power words to the rules of persuasion will give you an even greater advantage. The countdown clock on a webpage, for example, appeals to the Rule of Scarcity because it manufactures a sense of urgency. Costco masterfully applies the Rule of Reciprocity, offering samples to shoppers, thereby planting the seed that you should return the favor by buying the product—even if it wasn’t on your shopping list!
The Delivery
“You don’t need to have great ideas if you can hear great ideas.” ~ Eugene Schwartz, copywriter legend
Whether writing copy for a catalog or a script for video, it’s the copy that can persuade people to stick with you long enough to hear the offer. In selling door-to-door, I learned that the customer is the absolute best source for content. Kevin agrees! He said, “If you’re a good listener, you don’t have to be the very best copywriter because your client or customer will tell you what works.”
4 Tips for Hooking the Viewer
Tip #1 – Listen
When I create a video, I always interview 15-20 people who’ve used the product and are willing to provide a testimonial about their experience. I listen for “kernels of truth” about what they like and don’t like. The answers to the best marketing campaign are always there!
Tip #2 – Read the Reviews
If there are 500 reviews about your product, read them all. A theme will emerge that can help you craft a more effective message. This feedback loop is also a great source of information for learning what’s wrong with your product and fixing the problem.
Tip #3 – Just start anywhere
Staring at a blank page can be defeating. Kevin’s advice is “Start anywhere. The attention-getting idea will often come as you write.”
Tip #4 – The longer the better
Attention is everything, especially with online video. The longer you keep the viewer’s attention, the better chance you’ll have of making the sale. This goes back to multi-level marketing or in-person seminars. If people take the time to drive to an event, they won’t want to go home empty-handed.
Understanding human psychology is a great foundation for marketing and direct response marketing in particular. By matching these foundational principles with direct response techniques, your Call to Action will work better because your viewers will stick with you, and they will be compelled to respond!
To get a FREE copy of Kevin’s Client Cloning Kit, get on the mailing list for my new book, Video Persuasion, which comes out October 15, 2019. Just click on the button below:
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